Music Project

With a voice that plummets to the depths of her bowels to then soar to stratospheric heights within seconds; Malta-born, Paris-based artist Stephanie Sant has the makings of a 21st century renaissance woman. She embraces her nascent musical project with a similar fearless curiosity as she does her other creative endeavours in cinema and performance art, and allows her colourful background to feed her electronic and folk songs that will appear in her eventual debut album. Her experimental energy allows her to flit from one musical genre to another across the English, Maltese and French language. The result? Exciting cross-pollinations of theatre-core, banshee rock and electronic opera that seal her presence in the musical industry and define her world: sometimes dark, always oneiric, possibly a little scary, and unequivocally unique. 

She Grows

Available on all platforms including:

She Grows

Available on all platforms including:

photo by Pearlie Frisch

Upcoming live shows

1st August 2024
Hole in the Wall
Sliema, Malta

17th August 2024
Rock for Richmond
Ġnien l-Għarusa tal-Mosta
Click here to buy your tickets